Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, better known as Saint Padre Pio, gained fame and a following due to his stigmata. To this day Padre Pio is one of the most popular saints and many make the pilgrimage to the church in San Giovanni Rotondo.
Prayer to Saint Padre Pio
O God,
You gave Saint Pio of Pietrelcina,
capuchin priest,
the great privilege
of participating
in a unique way
in the passion of Your Son,
grant me,
through his intercession
the grace of ....
which I ardently desire;
and above all grant me
the grace of living in conformity
with the death of Jesus,
to arrive at the glory
of the resurrection.
If you like this prayer, you'll love this prayer card!
Saint Pio
O Glorious Saint Pio,
bearing the wounds of Christ you
generously accepted your
sufferings, and labored faithfully
for the good of all souls.
Help me to embrace that same
attitude of acceptance in my life.
With confidence, I ask for your
intercession to obtain the grace of
(make your request),
which I ardently desire.
If it is not, however, God's will that
this should come to pass,
then help me to find serenity and
joy in God's choice for me.
This beautiful medal and prayer card set comes included with this intercessory prayer