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St. George Army Medal

SKU: en6086
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Color: Pewter

Active duty and veterans alike will enjoy receiving this St. George Army pendant with the image of St. George on the front and the US Army insignia on the back.

St. George was a soldier who was martyred during the rule of Emperor Diocletian. The most familiar tale of Saint George is the slaying of the dragon. A dragon infested the lands in Libya and had eaten a vast amount of sheep. The locals, plagued by starvation, soon allowed the dragon to take women instead of sheep. Saint George heard of the terrible problem and killed the dragon with a single blow, converting the locals to Christianity.

Bliss Chain Information
Quality Made for Catholic Faith Store by Bliss Manufacturing

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Leslie Beaugez

The medal is beautiful and will be a perfect gift for my son's graduation from Boot Camp.

Scott Lydem

We gave our son his Saint George pendant on Christmas Day as he is leaving for the US Army on Monday, it was very nice. Thank you.