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About this St. Cecilia Medal in Pewter with Prayer Card
This combination Saint Cecilia Pendant and Prayer card makes for an ideal gift.
The prayer card depicts St. Cecilia on the front and the prayer on the back and measures 3" x 4.5".
The pendant is made of pewter and the chain is an 18-Inch Stainless Silver Lite Curb Chain. Pendant size is 3/4" x 1/2".
Patronage; Musicians / Singers
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Read Four St. Cecilia Medal in Pewter with Prayer Card Reviews
5.00Rated 5.00 from 4 reviews
05/24/2022Anonymous - Verified Customer
04/02/2015A Coonrod - Verified Customer
Excellent service. I ordered this as a confirmation gift. Had it engraved and with short notice it was processed, shipped and received on time for the confirmation.