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Crucifix Necklaces

Jesus said, "Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." Mark 8:34

For over one thousand years Catholic men and women have worn the crucifix necklace as a sacred devotional. Throughout the ages, we’ve come to prefer those pendants made of sterling silver, gold and wood. Our most popular men’s crucifix necklaces and women’s crucifix necklaces combine classic Italian styling with the quality of American made craftsmanship. There are many types of crucifix necklaces to choose from including a St. Benedict Crucifix Necklace, San Damiano Crucifix Necklace, or a Maltese Crucifix Necklace. For styling you can choose from a budded edge tip or straight edge, simple to ornate, the choice is yours!