In this St. Nicholas statue we find St. Nicholas in his bishop's vestments, a headdress miter and holding a pastoral staff known as a crozier. He is invoked for protection by many including sailors and fisherman. He is best known as the patron saint of children for his devotion to the poor and his legend of miracles.
Prayer to St. Nicholas
The Tropar to St. Nicholas
The truth of things
revealed you to your
flock as a rule of faith, an
icon of meekness and a
teacher of temperance,
therefore you reached
the heights through
humility and wealth
through poverty. O Holy
Bishop, Father Nicholas
pray to Christ, God, for
the salvation of our souls.
Exclusively by Roman
St. Nicholas
Patron Saint of Children and Brides
The legend of St. Nicholas tells of how he lost his wealthy parents to the plague when he was quite young and that he donated much of his inheritance to charity. As a generous young orphan, St. Nicholas learned of three young sisters who could not become married because their family was too poor to afford their dowries. St. Nicholas tossed a bag of gold coins through the window of their home on three occasions so that each sister had the dowry needed in order to be married. From the three bags of gold came the symbol of three gold balls which represent a desperate need for cash.
The charity and generosity of St. Nicholas became well known miracles such as providing bread during times of famine, calming waves during a storm for sailors and saving three boys from death. St. Nicholas devoted his life to helping the poor and was chosen as Bishop of Myra.
St. Nicholas is best known as a patron of children because of his devotion to helping the poor and his legend of miracles. He also became well know as Father Christmas and Santa Claus.
Feast Day: December 6
Exclusively by Roman