This petite statue of St. Peter shows him holding a set of keys - the key to the Kingdom of Heaven and keys to the Church! We honor Peter as the first Pope of the Catholic Church and the leader of Christianity as was bestowed to him by Jesus Christ. St. Peter is the patron of many things including bakers and we pray for his intercession in many things.
Prayer to Saint Peter
Novena to Saint Peter
O Holy Apostle, because you are
the Rock upon which Almighty
God has built his church; obtain
for me I pray to you, lively faith,
firm hope and burning love;
complete detachment from
myself, contempt of the world,
patience in adversity, humility in
prosperity, recollection in prayer,
purity of heart, a right intention
in all my works, diligence in
fulfilling the duties of my state
of life, constancy in my
resolutions, resignation to the
will of God even unto
death; that so, by means of your
intercession and your glorious
merits, I may be made worthy to
appear before the chief and
eternal Shepherd of souls, Jesus
Christ. Who with the Father and
the Holy Spirit lives and reigns
for ever. Amen.
Exclusively by Roman
St. Peter
Patron Saint of the Church. Died A.D. 65
St. Peter was a brother of St. Andrew and his original name was Simon. These brothers were fishermen on the Sea of Galilee. When Simon was about forty years old, his brother Andrew introduced him to Jesus, our Divine Redeemer, who gave him the name of Peter. In time, Jesus told both Peter and Andrew that if they followed him, he would make them fishers of men. St. Peter and St. Andrew became two of the Apostles of Jesus.
St. Peter proved the weakness of human beings by being the one that betrayed Christ during his time on earth by three times denying that he knew Jesus. However, even though he spoke betrayal, St. Peter's heart remained loyal and dedicated to Jesus. Because of his experience with failure, and the compassion and mercy given to him by God, St. Peter showed tenderness and compassion to other sinners.
When Jesus asked his disciples what they thought he was, Peter answered that Jesus was the Son of the living God. Due to his deep faith and devotion, Jesus gave St. Peter the keys to the kingdom of Heaven. St. Peter preached about Jesus to many and was the founder of the Church. St. Peter was the first Pope or Vicar of Christ on Earth and was given wonderful power and jurisdiction.
Feast Day: Jun 29
Exclusively by Roman