Mary is portrayed in simple but elegant ivory garments and is surrounded by roses on the back is a prayer to the Rosa Mystical. A prayer for an urgent request and help from the Blessed Mother.
Rosa Mystica, Immaculate Virgin,
Mother of Grace, in honor of thy Divine Son,
we prostrate ourselves at thy feet
to implore God's mercy.
We beg for help and grace,
not relying on any merit of ours,
but on the kindness of thy motherly heart,
and confident that thou
will grant our urgent requests,
Hail Mary.
Rosa Mystica, Mother of Jesus,
Queen of the Holy Rosary
and Mother of the Church,
of the Mystical Body of Christ,
we implore the gifts of unity
and peace for the anxious world,
and those graces so able to convert
the souls of thy erring children.
Hail Mary
Rosa Mystica, Queen of the Apostles,
pray that many men
and women may hear Christ's call
to priestly and religious vocations,
and help them spread the Kindness of Jesus Christ,
throughout the world
by the holiness of their lives
and their burning zeal for the salvation of souls.
Pour out they Heavenly grace upon us!
Hail Mary