Saint Benedict is the patron saint of monks and poison sufferers. Benedict was the founder of Western monasticism, and wrote a set of guidelines for monks to follow. Many opposed his Benedictine principles, and he was once given a goblet of poison, which he blessed and made safe. He is buried with his twin sister, Saint Scholastica.
Prayer to Saint Benedict
God our Father, You
made St. Benedict an
outstanding guide to teach
men how to live in Your
Grant that by preferring
Your love to everything else,
we may walk in the way of
your commandments.
Grant this through Christ
our Lord. Amen.
Prayer to St. Benedict
Dear St. Benedict, you are a
"blessing" indeed, as your
name indicates. Practicing what
you preached, you founded the
monastic tradition of the West by
joining prayer to labor for
God - both liturgical and private
prayer. Help all religious to
follow their Rule and be true to
their vocation. May they labor
and pray for the world to the
greater glory of God.
God our Father, You made St.
Benedict an outstanding
guide to teach men who to live
in Your service, Grant that by
preferring Your love to every-
thing else, we may walk in the
way of Your commandments.
We ask this through Christ our
Lord. Amen.