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Saint John Berchman Bracelet

Saint John Berchman Bracelet

Do you know an altar girl? A gift of a Saint John Berchmans pendant would be so very meaningful as he is the patron saint of altar boys and girl and one of the finest examples of living a pious life.

Saint John Berchmans at the age of six served as an altar boy with great enthusiasm and passion. The child would wake early each day and serve two to three masses. His love for the Church, Christ, and the Blessed Mother only intensified over time and his only goal was to do even the simplest or most difficult task with love and devotion to Christ.

He was known for his purity, obedience, and charity toward others. So numerous are the miracles attributed to his intercession that his popularity became almost cult-like after his passing.

Popular among his friends, family and church officials, John studied to be a priest and eventually went to Rome for further education. Having just graduated from his Jesuit studies he was asked to take part in a philosophy debate. While returning to Rome from the debate he contracted a cough and fever which eventually killed him.

His two famous quotes are "My penance is to live the common life... I will pay the greatest attention to the least inspiration of God." and "If I do not become a saint when I am young, I shall never become one"

His feast day is August 13th. He is the patron saint of altar Servers, Jesuit scholastics, and students.

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