A prayer card in honor of Our Lady of Medjugorje with an image on the front and a prayer to her on the back.
Prayer to the Mother of Goodness,
Love and Mercy* Queen of Peace
O Mother mine, Mother of goodness,
love and mercy, I love You infinitely
and I offer myself to You. By means
of Your goodness, Your love and Your
grace, save me. I desire to be Yours.
I love You infinitely, and desire You to
protect me.
From the depth of my heart I pray You,
Mother of goodness, give me Your
goodness. Let me fain Heaven by means
of it. I pray You, by Your infinite love,
to give me the grace, so that I may love
every man, as You have loved Jesus
Christ. I pray You to give m the grace
to be merciful towards You.**
I offer myself to You completely and
desire that You follow my every step,
Because you are full of grace. And I
desire that I will never forget this. And
if, by chance, I should lose grace I
pray You to restore it to me once more.
* Dictated by Our Lady to Jelena Vasilj, 19th
April, 1983.
** The phrase “l pray you to give me the grace
to be merciful towards you” means “Give
me the grace to love your will which is
different to mine”.