A prayer card specifically intended to recover lost of stolen things. This request is to St. Anthony that appears on the front of the card with the Child Christ.
O Blessed St. Anthony! The grace
of God has made you a powerful
advocate in all necessities and the
patron for the restoration of things
lost or stolen: to you I turn today
with child-like love and heartfelt
confidence. O how many thousands
miraculously aided in the recovery
of lost goods! You were the counselor
of the corrupt, the comforter of the
afflicted, the healer of the sick,
the raiser of the dead, the deliverer
of the captive, the refuge of the
afflicted: to you do I hasten, O
blessed St. Anthony! Help me in my
present affliction. I recommend what
I have lost to your care in the secure
hope, that you will restore it to me
if it be to the greater glory of God,
and to the spiritual welfare of my
soul, that I may praise and thank
you, in time and eternity, for your
glorious intercession in my behalf.