What wonderful words to live by as found in this prayer card. The picture on the front is of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane and a printed prayer called "A Savior Meditation".
Be good, and you'll never regret it.
Be bad, and you'll never forget it.
If mistaken, be first to confess it.
If right, be the last to express it.
If wrong, then be quick to redress it.
Be kind, but let no one suspect it.
Be wise, but let no one detect it.
Be fair, for your friends will expect it.
Be swift, or perhaps you'll neglect it.
If it's borrowed, be quick to repay it.
If it's loaned, make excuse to delay it.
Be selfish, and no one will miss you.
Be a fool, and the demons will hiss you.
Be yourself, and the good Lord will kiss you.