A prayer card to remind us to pray for others because you just never know when someone is in need of a little help. Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane is on the front and on the back the "Pray for Me" prayer.
I cannot tell why there should come to me
A thought of some one miles and years away.
In swift insistence on the memory.
Unless there be a need that I should pray.
Old friends are far away; we seldom meet
To talk of Christ or changes day by day.
Of pain or pleasure, triumph or defeat.
Or special reasons why 'tis time to pray.
We are too busy even to spend thought
For days together of some friends away;
Perhaps God does it for us and we ought
To read His signal as a call to pray.
Perhaps my friend just then has fiercer fight.
A more appalling weakness or decay.
Of courage, darkness some lost sense of right.
And so, in ease you need my prayer I pray.
Friends, do the same for me. If I intrude
Unasked upon you on some crowded day.
Give me a moment's prayer as interlude.
Be sure I need it, therefore pray.