A prayerful Mary is portrayed on the front of this prayer card as she holds the rosary in her and bows her head. The back of the card has a beautiful prayer to all mothers.
She's sweeter than the fragrances That fill the dell in spring, A joy she is above joys, That all the years can bring.
She's dearer than the dearest friend
That I will ever know.
Her Prayers ever guide me
on No matter where I go.
Her face is furrowed deep with
Her hair is streaked with gray,
And rosary beads slip through the hands
That first joined mine to pray.
An though the years have dimmed
those eyes
That were so lustrous fair,
Tis death alone can take away
The love-light shining there.
At night when kneeling down to pray
I thank our Lord above
Who was so good to give me
My Mother's deathless love.