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Saint Walter Necklace

Saint Walter of Pontnoise


Saint Walter

Stress at work is a burden to bear, and it can often spill into one's family life. Saint Walter of Pontnoise experienced his own type of stress in his vocation. Arm yourself with prayer and a Saint Walter medal necklace to assist you in times of distress on the job.

Walter, born in the eleventh century, entered a Benedictine monastery in France upon completion of his studies and professorship in rhetoric and philosophy. King Philip sought to bestow the title of Abbott on Walter, but he resisted the title, to the point of running away two times from the abbey. Upon his involuntary return, he begged Pope Gregory VII to allow him to simply live a life of solitude rather than have responsibility for the abbey. Pope Gregory told Walter that he ought to use the leadership gifts God had bestowed on him. St. Walter accepted the responsibility and leveraged his position to shine light on the evil perpetrated by the diocesan priests of his day. His outspokenness landed him in jail, and after his release, he devoted his days and night to prayer and penance.

St. Walter's feast day is April 8, and he is the patron saint of prisoners; prisoners of war, winemakers, and is the patron against job-related stress.

St. Walter of Pontnoise Medal [EN6413]
5.00 (1)

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