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Saint Olivia Necklace

Saint Olivia


Saint Olivia Medals

Olivia is a constant on lists of most popular names for girls, and the story of St. Olivia lends credence to the strength of her name and her faith! What better way to honor your patron saint than with a beautiful quality Saint Olivia medal necklace.

St. Olivia of Palermo, Italy was a stunning beauty who was, at the age of 13, captured by invading tribes. Despite her imprisonment in Palermo and eventually in Tunisia, she focused her efforts on comforting and converting fellow captives. Her zeal in converting others earned her the badge of martyrdom: an unsuccessful attempt to kill her in a boiling cauldron was followed by her beheading.

One of several patron saints of music, St. Olivia has her feast day on June 10.

Women's St. Olivia Oval Medal [HMM3144]
5.00 (2)
St. Olivia Medal [EN6440]
4.80 (5)

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