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Saint Stephanie Necklace

Saint Stephanie


Saint Stephanie Medals

A Saint Stephanie medal necklace would be a special gift for a young lady who is learning the Faith, perhaps in preparation for First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion or Confirmation. Stephanie, from a very young age, had a profoundly deep understanding of the Catechism, and studied it diligently. The Lord blessed her with a wisdom beyond her years. Bless a young lady you know with a St. Stephanie medal to encourage her in her study of the One True Faith.

Stephanie, born in the 1400s, grew up in a devout Catholic family. At the tender age of seven, she began having visions, and as a young girl, took the tertiary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. At 14 years, she bore the stigmata, which her own catechism teacher bore before his death. As foundress of a tertiary order of Dominicans, she lived an extremely austere life and fasted nearly constantly. During Stephanie's lifetime, God worked through her in a variety of supernatural ways: prophesy, healing, reading of hearts and minds.

St. Stephanie's feast day is November 11, and she is the patroness of theologians.

St. Stephanie Medal [EN6357]
5.00 (1)

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