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Jerusalem Cross Pendants

Embrace the history and symbolism of Christianity's birthplace with a stunning Catholic Jerusalem cross necklace. Each piece features a cross surrounded by four smaller crosses, representing the spread of Jesus' message from Jerusalem and whispering prayers. More than an adornment, it's a symbol of faith, unity, and the enduring legacy of Christ. Choose your design and wear a piece of holy land history close to your heart. Share the blessings with a loved one – a Jerusalem cross necklace makes a meaningful gift for any occasion. Shop our collection today!

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The four crosses of a Jerusalem cross necklace are believed to represent the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, while the large cross symbolizes Christ. These are beautiful pieces of jewelry that carry deep faith and significance.

For more information about the Jerusalem Cross you can read our in-depth article on the History and Significance of the Jerusalem Cross

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