This is a hockey pendant boys will love to wear - convenient and contemporary. The set includes a medal with baseball player swinging a baseball bat and a 24" endless stainless steel heavy curb chain. Around the raised border the words SAINT CHRISTOPHER PROTECT ME can be read.
The prayer card shows an image with of two feet, that of a boy in gear, accompanied hockey stick and that of a man (Jesus). At the bottom of the card the text reads "Know that I am with you always". Matthew 28:20
Prayer reads:
Always With You
Dear God Our Father,
help me to wisely use the gifts and
talents that You have so graciously
bestowed upon me.
Create in me Dear Lord:
The right attitude with which to
excel in any endeavor.
A firm belief in You, Our Savior, that
through You I can do great thing.
A strong desire to never quit, no
matter what the odds.
A Willingness to give 100% of myself
to You and to others at all times.
Dear Lord, bestow in me a
true understanding that, with
You beside me, there is no end
to what I can achieve.
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