Outdoor Garden Statue Buying Guide

Are you looking for a beautiful statue of the Blessed Mother to adorn your garden? Maybe you prefer a statue of Christ, a Guardian Angel or your favorite patron saint. Regardless of your choice, there are a few important things to consider when deciding on an outdoor garden statue.

Statue Material and the Weather

The weather is going to have a major impact on your purchasing decision because if you live in an area that is either too hot or too cold you’ll need a statue material that will hold up to the elements. In extreme weather, even the finest statue will get damaged if not treated properly.

Stone Marble or Concrete (the best choice)

The most common and best choice for an outdoor statue is one made of a marble stone or concrete. These statues typically require no maintenance other than a quick clean with a bit of mild soap and a garden hose.

A few things to note though is that if you have a painted statue, you should consider using a clear statuary sealant sold at most home stores such as Home Depot or Lowes. This sealant will help keep the color on your statue vibrant for years and protect it from the damaging rays of the sun. See our video on how to protect your statue here.

Stone statues, specifically those made with marble tend to be a bit more expensive, but the look of marble is unrivaled. We highly suggest a protectant seal on your marble statue as they can become damaged in a very humid environment.

Watch out for excessive freezing! If you have a statue that holds water, like a fountain or birdbath, be sure to remove all the water before the next freeze. There is a high potential that the stone statue will crack from the expanding nature of water.

We strongly suggest you cover your most precious outdoor statues in severe freezing weather to avoid any cracking or damage. Covering your statue with a heavy tarp or moving it indoors will ensure your statue lasts many winters.

Bronze and Cast-Iron Statues

Bronze metal statues are beautiful to look at, durable and are easy to clean. The downside is that larger statues can be very heavy and require a special base and additional bolts and adhesive. As a result, once a larger bronze statue is in place it won’t be easy to move.

Another issue with metal statues is that in very wet climates an iron statue may experience rust issues.

Resin / Plastic

You’ll love the lightweight feel of a resin or plastic statue and the price too as they are considerably less expensive than stone or metal, but will they hold up in the outdoors? If your statue is made of a heavy-duty plastic and is specifically labeled for outdoor use, then it will remain in good shape for many years to come. If you have the room, it never hurts to bring a heavy-duty plastic statue indoors when the weather calls for snow and freezing rain.

Resin statues, on the other hand, will most certainly suffer damage if left outside. They simply aren’t designed to endure the heat or the freezing temperatures and will crack easily.

Look for Outdoor Plastic statuary for outdoor use and leave the resin statues for indoor use only.

Alabaster, Wood and Plaster

We highly recommend staying away from purchasing a statue made of these materials for outdoor use. When they combine with water or high humidity the wood will warp and the plaster and alabaster will break.

Size and Space

It is very important to take accurate measurements of the space being used for your statue. Especially if you’ll be using a grotto or any type of enclosed space.

You’ll also want to make sure that your statue is the right size to create a balanced space. Try to avoid overpowering the outdoor area with an oversized statue. Just because you can fit a four-foot statue in your garden, doesn’t necessarily mean it will look good. Think about the statue’s surrounding environment and how all the elements of your outdoor space will work together.


Although the style of your statue will come down to personal preference, if you have a modern space, a modern statue will look more appropriate in your garden. If you have a classic space the same rule applies. Keep like with like.

If you prefer a classic white or stone colored statue, be sure to have enough greenery and natural elements to create contrast and visibility.

A painted statue is always a great choice for your garden as it creates a burst of color to an already natural landscape.

When it comes to style there are no wrong choices. What matters is that you consider it beautiful!


You’ll want to pick a place in your garden that is both aesthetically pleasing and provides a bit of protection for your statue. Many figurine statues are put in a grotto for exactly this reason or under an arbor. The grotto and arbor act as protection from the sun and the elements.

Consider the wind as well and how you will anchor your statue. Many metal and solid concrete statues will not topple over in the wind, but lighter statues will. Try securing your statue to a heavy stone base or pedestal to avoid damage from the wind and theft too!

If you need any assistance in selecting the perfect outdoor garden statue, please contact us we are happy to help! We can answer questions regarding material, mounting options, or advice on what statue would work best for you. We look forward to serving you. God Bless You!

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