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Saint Regina Necklace

Saint Regina


Saint Regina Medals

We often think that modern life is challenging, but a tangible medal necklace reminder of St. Regina helps us recall what true suffering is and how to face distress with true joy.

Regina, born into nobility in third century France, lost her mother to childbirth and was turned out by her father to live permanently with her nurse. Doing an about-face from wealth to a life of hard labor in the fields, Regina thrived spiritually under the care of her Christian nurse, spending her days meditating on the Lord and His saints while she tended sheep. This young beauty was the object of a local pagan prefect who made it his goal to marry Regina. Regina resisted the suitor and his false religion to the point of prison and torture: for her true love, Jesus, persecuted Regina withstood burning, whippings, crucifixion, and finally beheading. Legend states that a dove hovered above young martyr Regina's head as her soul entered heaven, 1800 years ago.

St. Regina's feast day is September 7, and she is the patron against poverty, and patroness of shepherdesses and torture victims.

St. Regina Oval Medal [HMM3151]
St. Regina Medal [EN6463]

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