A St. Dymphna statue reminds us of this saints special patronage. We often pray to St. Dymphna asking for her intercession with matters of mental health. This lovely petite statue can be blessed and provide for a meaningful sacramental.
Prayer in honor of St. Dymphna
Lord Jesus Christ, You have willed
that St. Dymphna should be invoked
by thousands of clients as the
patroness of nervous and mental
disease, and have brought it about
that her interest in these patients
should be an inspiration and an
ideal of charity through the
world. Grant that, through the
prayers of this youthful martyr of
purity, those who suffer from
nervous and mental illness
everywhere on earth may be helped
and consoled. I recommend to Your
in particular, (here mention those
you wish to pray for). Be pleased to
hear the prayer of St. Dymphna and
of Your Blessed Mother; Give those
whom I recommend the patience to
bear with their affliction and
resignation to do Your divine will.
give them the consolation they
need and especially the cure the so
much desire. If it be Your will.
through Christ Our Lord.
Exclusively by Roman.
St. Dymphna
Patroness of Mental Health
Dymphna was the daughter of a devout Christian woman. Her father, Damon, was a pagan Irish chieftain. When Dymphna was about fourteen years of age, her mother died. It is said that Damon then suffered from mental illness brought about by his grief over the loss of his wefe. With hopes of filling this great void in his life, he traveled in search of a woman who met his expectations. His serach was in vain, for none were willing to marry him.
When Damon returned to his home he saw that Dymphna was as beautiful as her mother had been. In his madness he made advances that she refused and demanded that she be his wife. Dymphna ran from Ireland to Belgium with a priest that was her confessor, St. Gerebernus. Damon found them in Belgium and beheaded St. Gerebernus. Dymphna refused to return to Ireland with Damon, and in a mad rage, he killed her.
It is believed that miracles of healing for those suffering from mental illness and being possessed, have taken place at the site of her death where a shrine has been built.
Feast Day: May 15
Exclusively by Roman.
5 | 09/30/2018Anonymous - Verified Customer |
5 | 12/22/2015M Ruiz - Verified Customer |
5 | 02/17/2015R Dry - Verified Customer |
Ia good way to helpe with morning prayers. Thanks.
5 | 07/10/2014N McConnell - Verified Customer |
Love will order again