A gifted photographer is a blessing: someone who captures unique and unrepeatable moments in our lives and preserves those memories for generations to come. Bless a photographer in your life with a Saint Veronica bracelet, to assist her glorifying God through her talent.
We meet Veronica in the sixth station of the Station of the Cross. She reaches out to minister to Jesus as he sweats and bleeds while He carries His cross on the way to His crucifixion. Using her veil, she comforts and helps Jesus in His suffering. This veil, preserved at the Vatican since the eighth century, is a treasured relic in Catholicism. While we know little about Veronica, she reminds us to suffer with and for Jesus in our own lives and to console Him through the injustices He suffers when we sin.
St. Veronica's feast day is July 12. She is the patroness of photography.