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Saint Gianna Rosaries

Saint Gianna

Proclaim support for pro-life & motherhood with a Saint Gianna rosary. St. Gianna is a modern day saint who reminds us that normal, everyday people, not just priests and nuns can become saints. She inspires us with her life's work and her life choices. She was an ordinary human with an extraordinary love of Christ and her faith. Born in Italy to into a large family Gianna had a love for medicine and trained as a doctor and surgeon. Her focus in healthcare was on the poor, the elderly and children. But her love of medicine was not nearly as strong as her love Christ and she considered becoming a nun although eventually married and had four children. As a devoted Catholic, mother, wife and doctor she served in all manners of her life. When pregnant with her fourth child, a large ovarian cyst was found and the doctors gave her a difficult choice to make. They could save Gianna's life, or the baby's life. They could not do both. Gianna made her choice swiftly and without hesitation. She said, "Save the baby!". And so it was that a few weeks after giving birth Gianna passed from complications from the cyst. Her remarkable love for humanity, especially her own daughter is remarkable. Her fourth daughter grew up to also become a doctor and surgeon and is a strong advocate of the pro-life movement. We celebrate Saint Gianna's feast day on April 28th. She is the patron saint of unborn children, the pro-life movement, mothers, and pregnant women.

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