Saint John Bosco was born in Turin, Italy, in 1815
His father died when John was only two years old and it was his mother Margaret who provided him with a good Christian education.
At the age of twenty he entered the major seminary
John Bosco was ordained a priest on June 5, 1846, and with the help of John Borel he founded the oratory of St. Francis de Sales.
John Bosco formulated a system of education based on “reason, religion and kindness.” In spite of the criticism and violent attacks of the anti-clericals, he conducted workshops for the tradesmen and manual laborers, schools of arts and sciences for young workers, and schools of the liberal arts for those preparing for the priesthood.
Saint John Bosco founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales, which was approved in 1869
This great apostle of youth died on January 31, 1888, and was canonized by Pope Pius XI in 1934. Pope John Paul II named him “teacher and father to the young.”
Patron: Youth & School Children