All posts in "Family and Parenting"

Summer Meals That Nourish Body and Soul

Daily Bread Dinnerware Collection What’s For Dinner?Summer brings a welcome break for some families, but for others, the lack of routine can be chaotic. As a mom of seven (ages 22 – 3), I know both sides of that coin! With everyone home, the days can be a whirlwind, especially during work hours. My husband […]


5 Excuse-Proof Ways to Getting to Sunday Mass

Maintaining a weekly Mass attendance is probably more important than ever. Still, the temptation to make excuses will be strong. What if you live in a country that’s not predominantly Catholic? What if family circumstances get in the way? What if your job is compromised?


5 Christmas Day Traditions for Catholic Families

As members of the Catholic Faith, we should all be excited for Christmas Day not because of the parties, delicious food and merrymaking but because of the spiritual meaning behind this holiday. This once-a-year occasion reminds us of Jesus Christ’s birth, an extraordinary event that shows us just how much God loves us. Many families gather together on Christmas day to celebrate and spend time with one another. Here are 5 ideas on how you and your family can make your get-together more meaningful.


Simple Ways to Celebrate Sacred Family Time

Families often have traditions that capture their faith in God and cultivate their love for one another. These include special gatherings on religious holidays like Christmas, Easter, and All Saints’ Day. Traditions, ideally, should focus on values and relationships rather than material things. Parents can use these traditions as teachable moments to highlight Catholic faith and values.


Do Catholic Parents Have to Name Their Babies After Saints?

As Catholics, do we have any special considerations to keep in mind when naming our child? Are we required to name our child after a saint or can we name them with anything we want? What are the reasons why parents choose the name of saints as Catholic baby names?


Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?

The topic of Catholics and Halloween is a controversial one. Many people around the world celebrate Halloween with costume parties, scary decorations and trick-or-treating from one house to the next. Should Catholics participate in these traditions? Should we celebrate Halloween?


Role of Religion: How Religion Affects Family Relationships

​Some people put religion at the center of their family relationships and traditions while others do not put as much importance on it. Let’s look into the differences between religious and nonreligious families to better understand how religion affects their relationships.


How to Choose Godparents

Thanks to fairy tales like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, the concept of godparents is often taken to mean magical beings who grant wishes or make our lives easier. The role our godparents have in our journey here on earth is actually so much more significant so we must be careful in the people we choose to take up that role.


Teaching Your Children – How to Become A Good Catholic Citizen

As Christian parents, it is our responsibility to cultivate our children’s faith and encourage them to become God-fearing, sensitive and responsible adults. Having a solid set of Catholic values and beliefs can go a long way in helping our child make the right choices in today’s increasingly complex world.


Catholic Family Prayer – Why Bother Praying As A Family?

Your great-grandmother’s engagement ring, the “good” silver, holiday traditions, and the family’s blue-ribbon-winning apple pie recipe are just some of the things that may have been passed down for the last few generations in your family. You cherish these mementos and memories for the way they make you feel connected to your family. What about the gift of praying?


5 Family Fun Mary Activities

There are many ways you and your family can honor Mary throughout the month of May. While we’re not obligated by the Church to formally participate in a May crowning, the month of May is the perfect time to keep the Mother of God more present in our hearts. Enjoy the slideshow with some great […]


Back to School Lesson 1: Money Can’t Buy Me Love (or Happiness)

Here in New Mexico it is officially Back-to-School time at every store.  New trinkets, “Design your Locker” sets, teacher bribery items and kid clothes that get sexier every year.  Stores will take any turning of the calendar as occasions to ramp up the “gimmey, gimmies, plea-z-z-” in our kids! What’s a mother to do? Society […]
