Summer Meals That Nourish Body and Soul

Daily Bread Dinnerware Collection

Daily Bread Dinnerware Collection

What's For Dinner?

Summer brings a welcome break for some families, but for others, the lack of routine can be chaotic. As a mom of seven (ages 22 - 3), I know both sides of that coin! With everyone home, the days can be a whirlwind, especially during work hours. My husband and I own an online store and work from home, so summer is a time of fun and but it’s also somewhat chaotic. The kids are constantly asking questions about playdates with friends, pool time, and of course, the ever-present "what's for dinner?"

Make Time for Family Meals

Experts say dinnertime is important for healthy, holy families. It's a chance to connect, unplug from technology, and have real conversations with real people. In our Catholic household, keeping God at the center of our lives is a priority. But with the constant distractions of the world, it can be a challenge. We are not perfect at the family dinner routine by any means, we do our best. As a mom, I want this to happen daily, but it really happens 2-3 times a week.

Make a schedule for meal-times. Keep it simple and work with your family, but scheduling family meal-times will help ensure this happens for your house-hold. Even if you only get one meal a week, that's a great start!

That's why I was so excited to discover's collection of scripture-based dinnerware. These beautiful plates and mugs aren't just functional, they provide a wonderful prompt for conversation around the table.

Plate setting from Daily Bread dinnerware collection

Scripture Dinnerware for Bringing the Word of the Lord to Your Tables and Gatherings

How to Use this Dinnerware Set

  1. 1
    Picture this: your family gathers for a summer meal. The sun might be setting, casting a warm glow on the table. Each person has a plate or mug with a Bible verse inscribed on it. We take a moment to read the verse, then ask ourselves and each other, "What is God telling us through this verse today?"
  2. 2
    We can discuss the meaning, look up the verse for context, or even memorize it together and quiz each other. Making a fun game of memorizing God’s Word as a family is a simple yet powerful way to weave faith into our daily lives, even amidst the summer craziness.
  3. 3
    These dinnerware sets would also make a fantastic wedding gift! Starting married life with a focus on God at every meal is a beautiful Christian family tradition. I’m saving this idea for my adult children.

Here's what I love most about these faith-based dishes:

  • Conversation Starters: The verses spark meaningful discussions around the table.
  • Family Bonding: Sharing a meal and reflecting on scripture strengthens family connections.
  • Beautiful Design: The plates are elegant for special occasions, yet sturdy enough for everyday use.
  • A Gift of Faith: These sets would be cherished by newlyweds or any family looking to deepen their faith.
  • Summer is a time for fun, relaxation, and creating lasting memories. By incorporating these scripture-based dinnerware sets, we can ensure those memories are filled with faith and togetherness.

    About the Author

    Caroline King Owner of Catholic Faith Store

    Caroline King

    Mom & Business Owner

    Wife, mother of 7, and business owner of Catholic Faith Store along with her husband Rich. A cradle Catholic and graduate of Thomas Aquinas College in Santa Paula, CA. Her passion is her faith, her family and her business. Their mission is to bring the Catholic Faith to their customers through meaningful products and exceptional customer service.
