All posts in " Prayer "

Is going to Church every Sunday necessary for Catholics?

Going to church every Sunday is one of the most basic traditions that we associate with our Catholic faith. We have been taught to go to church and attend mass at an early age but is it really necessary for Catholics? Is going to church every Sunday still relevant in today’s times


Origins and History of the Catholic Church

According to the 2017 Annuario Pontifico (Pontifical Yearbook), there are about 1.287 billion Catholics in the world in 2015. As a major world religion, the Catholic Church provides many interesting insights into the religious history of the world. We, as members of the Catholic Faith, will find it useful to know about the history of the Catholic Church so that we can better appreciate its teachings and traditions.


Prayers to Saint Rita

Saint Rita wanted to become a nun, but was instead forced into marriage. She gave birth to two sons. After the death of her sons, and the murder of her husband, she was finally to able join the Augustinian nuns in Cascia where she spent the rest of her life doing God’s work.


Mother Mary’s Importance in the Catholic Faith

The month of May is the perfect time to celebrate our devotion to Mother Mary. During May, in line with Mother’s Day, we commemorate the Blessed Virgin Mary’s extraordinary role as a mother to both Jesus Christ and the whole Catholic Church. Mary is a central figure in the Catholic Faith and her life illustrates how our Almighty Father works in our lives. Mary came from a simple background and yet she was called by God to fulfill a very extraordinary role; that of becoming the mother of Jesus Christ.


The Truth About Spiritual Warfare and Why It is Important To Pray

We live in a world that values cold logic and reason so a term like “spiritual warfare” may seem irrational, even impossible for many “modern” and “intellectual” people. However, spiritual warfare is very real and it is not just limited to exorcisms and casting out demons. As children of God, we engage in an unseen battle every day and what’s at stake is our most prized possession; our soul.


Prayers to Saint Dymphna

Saint Dymphna is the patron saint of depression and those suffering with mental Illnesses, those under the influence of the devil, those suffering from anxiety, and runaways. The site of her death is known for healing the mentally ill and those with brain disorders.


Inspiration for a Catholic Mom

Children will always carry with them the influence that their mothers had in their lives and this influence shapes the way they act and behave as adults. This is why being a Catholic mom is a remarkable honor for us women to have. We are gifted with a precious life that we must care for and look after not only its physical and emotional needs, but also its spiritual well being. In time for Mother’s Day, let’s look at some Bible teachings on motherhood; most of which come through the example of the extraordinary life of Mary, the Holy Mother of God.


5 Most Important Miracles of Jesus

The Bible is filled with stories about the miracles of Jesus. These miracles open our eyes to the glory of God and serve as physical evidence of his power and presence in our world.
It helps to revisit the miracles of Jesus whenever we feel discouraged because they remind us that nothing is impossible with God and that we can trust in him to help us regardless of how difficult our problem may seem.


Prayers to Saint Florian

Saint Florian is the patron saint of firefighters as he was responsible for organizing brigades of firefighters. St. Florian was once an officer in the Roman army, and saved an entire burning village with a single bucket of water.


Prayers to Saint Peregrine

We often pray for Saint Peregrine’s intercession in our lives. Saint Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer and store owners.


Prayers to Saint Catherine of Siena

Saint Catherine of Siena was a great philosopher and theologian and is considered a Doctor of the Church. She is the patron saint of fire prevention, illness, miscarriage, Europe and nurses. At the age of 6, a vision of the Lord came to her and she became very spiritual.


Prayers to Saint Mark

Saint Mark the Evangelist is the patron saint of notaries and lawyers. Mark was the disciple of Saint Peter the Apostle. He was the author of Mark’s Gospel.


Teaching Your Children – How to Become A Good Catholic Citizen

As Christian parents, it is our responsibility to cultivate our children’s faith and encourage them to become God-fearing, sensitive and responsible adults. Having a solid set of Catholic values and beliefs can go a long way in helping our child make the right choices in today’s increasingly complex world.


Prayers to Saint Bernadette

Saint Bernadette is the patron saint of illness and poverty. Bernadette was the eldest child in a large poor family. In February of 1858, in Lourdes, France, she witnessed her first vision of the Virgin Mary. She received over fifteen more in the next half-a-year.


What are the Stations of the Cross?

The Stations of the Cross, also known as the Way of the Cross, Via Crucis, and Via Dolorosa (Latin for Way of Sorrows), is a devotion that reflects on Jesus’ final days on Earth—from being condemned to death to dying on the cross and being placed in the tomb.


Prayers to Saint Patrick

Saint Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland, snakes and engineers. He was said to have banished all the snakes from Ireland. We pray to him for his intercession in our lives.


Catholic Family Prayer – Why Bother Praying As A Family?

Your great-grandmother’s engagement ring, the “good” silver, holiday traditions, and the family’s blue-ribbon-winning apple pie recipe are just some of the things that may have been passed down for the last few generations in your family. You cherish these mementos and memories for the way they make you feel connected to your family. What about the gift of praying?


Feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15th

Feast of the Assumption of Mary. August 15th. A Holy Day of Obligation Imagine being one of those in the early Church. You know Mary, the Mother of Our Lord because she goes from table to table at dinner; quietly ministering to everyone…she radiates such a deep strength that simply seeing her face inspires peace. […]

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