The Grand Conversion Story – Our Lady of Guadalupe December 12th

Our Lady of Guadalupe

How can the story of She-Who-Transformed-a-Nation be so unknown?  The story of Our Lady of Guadalupe is far more than just an apparition to one man. It is more than just her miraculously leaving an image of herself on a cloak made of cactus fibers.  But you would think the truth is a secret.   Does anyone know this story?

Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego in 1531.  During that same time period, the Reformation was taking hold in Europe and thousands of people were deserting the Catholic Church to follow new ideas.  Meanwhile in Mexico, the opposite was soon to be true!

But in year 1531, the Aztec religion still had a hold on the native peoples of Mexico.  Many felt the gods they had known needed to be placated with human sacrifices. The number of bloody sacrifices in previous generations had been astronomical.

Our Lady appeared to a humble peasant who had no power to change anything. But Mary’s image spoke volumes to Juan Diego and to all the people of Mexico. Her brown skin and deferential posture said that she came for both the Aztec and Spanish people. She unites the two. She wears a black belt meaning she is pregnant. She stands on a black moon which is the Aztec symbol for Mexico. The moon is lifted up by a winged angel which means that she is a heavenly creature.

In the pictographic language of the Aztecs, the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe communicated that the child of her womb is true royalty and He is more powerful and important than other gods of the Aztecs.

The amazing story of Our Lady of Guadalupe continues. By 1541, just 10 years after her appearance to Juan Diego, a historian of the time wrote that 9 million people in Mexico had converted to Catholicism! In a non-bloody way, the people of an entire country were converted. They left behind their old gods and discovered the truth of the Incarnation.

Our Lady of Guadalupe freed an entire people from a culture that had relied on the sacrificing of thousands of innocents each year.  I am thrilled to know the true story of the conversion of a nation! Our Lady of Guadalupe looks down in humility. But in her eyes, she carries all people. Her beauty and her presence is a powerful witness to Truth.

When the young priest first came to our Church right around Dec. 12 two years ago, he said, “We need Our Lady of Guadalupe NOW. Spread the word.”

So that’s what I’m doing. Spread the word. This is no time to keep good news a secret!

Why is Advent Special?

Advent Calendar

To me, Advent is a time of Love, Joy, Family, Friends, and Jesus.  It is more than just purple candles and flip-open paper calendars.  This Catholic celebration is more than 2000 years old and is filled with tradition and spiritual meaning for all of us to partake in.  But why is it so special?

The Meaning of Advent

Advent WreathLet’s start with the basics, what does Advent mean?  Its literal Latin translation is “coming” or “arrival”.   The more complete meaning is one of great spiritual importance as we prepare ourselves for the coming of Christ in all forms – The birth of Baby Jesus the Messiah, the anticipation of the future second coming of Christ, and the celebration of Christ in our lives through the sacrament of Holy Communion.

For Catholics, Advent is a celebration of the truth of God.  The revelation of God in Christ. The belief that we are all created by God and the faithfulness of His arrival on Earth.  All in an attempt to help us overcome the judgment of sin and experience the joy of eternal life.

We believe and celebrate that Jesus is among us, that he is one of us and isn’t revealing himself until he is really ready.  He will return again and help the poor and the disabled with his powers. To help us love one another as we should “love your neighbour as yourself”, without loving yourself how can you love someone else? Jesus will return and help us realise how to love ourselves and others.

The Advents Wreath Colors and Meaning

The Advent wreath is traditionally made out of evergreen and symbolises the start of something new and great and that there is always hope no matter what the situation.  More contemporary Advent wreaths come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but the use and intention are always the same.  The candle combination can be comprised of four or five candles. If there is a fifth candle it is typically white and is lit on the last Sunday of Advent.  There is one pink candle and 3 purple candles.  In some churches they use either royal blue or bright blue.


Pink / Rose – The arrival of Christ our King.

Purple – Represents penitence and fasting as well as royalty to welcome the king.

White – Represents Purity

Royal Blue – Symbolises royalty

Bright Blue – Symbolise the night sky


• December 3, 2017 – First Sunday of Advent  (purple candle, theme is Hope)
• December 10, 2017 – Second Sunday of Advent  (purple candle, theme is Love)
• December 17, 2017 – Third Sunday of Advent  (purple or pink candle, theme is Joy)
• December 24, 2017 – Fourth Sunday of Advent (purple candle, theme is Peace)

Advent and Christmas abroad – Cologne, Germany

Advent has always been a special time for me as it prepares my family, my soul, my mind, and my home for the Christmas season.  Being raised in a Catholic home in Cologne, Germany, the four weeks of Advent were the perfect celebration and reminder of what the real meaning of Christmas is all about.  As children, we followed our Advent Calendar, made Advent tree decorations, lit Advent Candles and prayed.  The four weeks prior to Christmas are always filled with spiritual excitement and anticipation!

In many countries the Advent and Christmas celebrations are different and the city / country I am most familiar with is Cologne (Köln) in Germany. In Cologne the celebration of Advent begins with opening a huge Christmas Market (Weihnachts Markt) which is an event that is hundreds of years old.  The market is huge and is set against the backdrop of the famous and beautiful Cologne Cathedral.  The market stalls are filled with a wonderful variety of goods from local artisans and businesses and includes the sale of food, clothes, sweets, movies and much, much more. The market is more than just a place to buy things it is a place to FEEL things.  It is a great way of communicating with other people and making new friends. The spirit of giving and love and Christ is in the air!

In Germany the Catholic Church has a tradition whereby teenagers volunteer at the church during services and the biggest church celebration is during Advent.  I was an altar server for several years while living in Cologne and love my memories of working in the church, especially during Advent where you want everything with the church celebrations to be PERFECT!  It isn’t always an easy task but doing it is fun!  That is me in the picture above, I’m the last girl in line holding a large votive candle during an Advent service.

Enjoy the celebration of Advent.  I know I will!  God bless!

November is Gratitude Month


The month of November is a great time to focus on gratitude. I teach my Sunday School students to learn this phrasing from Psalm 136: “We give thanks to the Lord for He is good. His love endures forever!”

It’s good to remind kids every day about how much we have to be grateful for.

Here’s our list of Gratitude

  • We are grateful for a cat who keeps us on our toes! The big, fat cat, will sleep close to your face purring. But the proximity is not for showing affection, instead, when he sees an eyelid flutter he tries to stop the motion. Fortunately, he keeps his claws in!
  • We are grateful for our barn even though the roof is falling, because it hasn’t caved in and it still keeps the hay dry.
  • We are grateful for the thousands of books we have in our house because it gives us an excuse not to buy furniture…there would be no room for it!
  •  We are grateful for the old dog our elderly neighbor left behind when she moved into the big city…the old dog is unable to jump up on people, in contrast to the excitable puppy.
  • We try to be grateful for the excitable puppy who turns one year old this month. She’s got to have something in her mouth at all times, which is reminiscent of her teenage owner. Peter is always eating! We stay stocked in stuffed toys for the dog, and granola bars for her owner!
  • We are grateful for the excuse, “There is no money, honey” so we don’t have to even think about buying the new technology fads that come along, for the teenager who wishes she had what other’s have. One child begs for it. But we are grateful that the other child yawns over it!
  • We are grateful that our children are now teenagers. (Did I really say that?!) There are only a few more years of insanity left!
  • We are grateful for Church because it is “Mom’s second home.” The kids like to say, “Do you know where your Mom is at? At least we know!”
  • We are grateful for GPS because Mom only gets lost half the time (instead of ALL the time) when she goes into the “big city” now.
  • We are grateful for a “trac phone” because we have “no plan” to keep paying, when we don’t use it much.
  • We are grateful for neighbors. When the barn roof was flapping in the wind, the neighbor quietly went and pounded it back in place. Only a glance out the window revealed who that secret helper was.

We give thanks to the Lord for He is all Good. Look at the Love that endures forever!

A New Saint – Kateri Tekakwitha


I had never heard about the “North American martyrs” growing up.  But I moved to New Mexico and our parish priest here liked to talk about them. These were 8 priests who came during the early 1600s to convert the Native people along the northeast coast up into Canada.

The Hurons were a fierce tribe. When sickness broke out, it was easy to blame it on the foreigners. The priests were tortured in especially brutal ways by the Mohawks. Yet, these men showed incredible courage, continuing to preach and pray in spite of the horrors, and many were converted.

Just ten years after the blood of these martyrs was spilled, a young woman was born to the Mohawks. Kateri Tekakwitha converted and faced persecution in her tribe. But she remained devoted to the Eucharist and spent her short life caring for the elderly and the sick. She died at age 24.

On October 21, 2012, Kateri Tekakwitha was declared a saint.

A New Saint: Kateri Tekakwitha

Over twenty years ago, when our community was building a new church, the question was “Who will be our patron?”  Kateri Tekakwitha was a popular suggestion. But, at that time, she was still a “blessed.” Not yet a saint. But now that’s changed. She’s a saint and we are celebrating here in New Mexico! Kateri is dear to our hearts because she’s the first Native American saint and we have many Native people in our parishes.

So we are happy to know that the Lilly of the Mohawks” has been officially named as a saint.

Kateri came from a fierce tribe. She was born in New York but up along the northeast border with Canada. She comes from the area where eight North American missionaries were martyred.

The  8 priests who came during the early 1600s to convert the Native peoples were accused of bringing bad luck to the people. When sickness broke out, it was easy to blame it on the foreigners. The priests were tortured in especially brutal ways by the Mohawks. Yet, these men showed incredible courage, continuing to preach and pray in spite of the horrors, and many were converted.

Just ten years later, after the blood of these martyrs was spilled, a young woman was born in that Mohawk village. Kateri Tekakwitha converted to Catholicism and faced persecution in her tribe. But she remained devoted to the Eucharist and spent her short life caring for the elderly and the sick. She died at age 24.

Saint Kateri Tekakwitha was declared a model of courage and humility.

St. Kateri  is one of seven new saints who were canonized on World Mission Sunday. They help us realize that saints come from many walks of life. They are young and old. They are beautiful, like Kateri, and homely. They are LIKE US. And like St. Paul they said, “I come to share the message of Jesus. Yet, more than that, I share my life with you.”

Celebrating Saints: October is a good month to begin!

October Saint Celebration

October Saint CelebrationIn my Religious Formation classes we spend most of October talking about saints. The saints lived out the Gospel message of love and devotion in different ways. They weren’t perfect people. Many, like St. Augustine, didn’t turn away from a sinful lifestyle until later in their lives. What the saints all have in common is a deep longing to be closer to God. There are pilgrims who set out on a certain path for Home.

Christian philosophers say that God planted that same longing for Heaven in every soul. That means we all have what it takes to become saints! It’s like setting out on a hike. The urge to go forward is there. But to succeed we need a backpack of supplies…a “Spiritual Backpack.” And we need to stay on the path. In our Backpack we put in prayer, the sacraments and our angels! The great love of God is all around us—it just takes better awareness to know that great truth. God has given us invisible angels, and angelic friends. We have the help of a Heavenly Mother who is loving us in every moment. And we have the witness of saints standing there on the road up ahead.

So first we pray—that’s the nourishment of the great Longing to set out on this path. Then we keep focused on the path ahead. We do this by going to Mass more often and by surrounding ourselves with things that tell us about the saints and their faith: books, websites, daily quotes delivered to email, study groups at church and adult formation opportunities.

The saints are there just ahead of us, calling out, “If I can do it, you can do it!” Every year at this time I tell my students about saints they may not have heard of. Here’s an October list:

Saint Paul of the Cross

who lived from 1694-1775 in Italy, has a feast day on Oct. 20. St. Paul felt that meditating on the Passion of Jesus is the best way to stay focused on the path ahead.  Jesus suffered terribly when He could have struck down His persecutors with one gesture. Instead, He endured pain and death out of love for us. Since we too know suffering, although not to that extreme, we have some empathy and understanding. St. Paul of the Cross founded a religious order, the Passionists, to spread greater awareness of the reason for Jesus’ suffering. He walked across Italy carrying a large wooden crucifix, making sacrifices for others and teaching.  At one point a large crowd surrounded him. When dark clouds gathered and thunder echoed all around, St. Paul held up his crucifix. The rain pelted down but no one listening to St. Paul got wet! He was a mystic and visionary who predicted that a crucifix he left behind in a church would continue the teaching he began. The crucifix began to sweat a blue liquid and all who saw it were converted!

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque

was the French visionary of the 17th century who saw the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Her feast day is Oct. 16.  St. Margaret was a sickly child but she made a vow to the Blessed Mother to dedicate her life to prayer. She was instantly healed.  In her visions of Jesus she was told to promote the practice of receiving Communion on the First Friday of every month and attending Adoration to spend a “Holy Hour” with Jesus in His suffering at the Garden of Gethsemane.

These are important things to add to our “Spiritual Backpack,” St. Margaret Mary tells us.

Saint Anthony Mary Claret

lived from 1807 to 1870 and his feast day is Oct. 24. His autobiography can be found online! St. Anthony Mary started out his adulthood as an accomplished and successful weaver.  One day while walking along the seashore in Spain, a wave swept him out to deep water. He was drowning so he called out to the Blessed Mother. Instantly he was back on shore.  He recognized the message of this incident: the “sea of peril” in worldly things was causing him to neglect his soul. He had gone off the path and he understood that “neglect” is what kills the soul. St. Anthony Mary had a missionary spirit and set out to preach in both Spain and Cuba. He was devoted to the Immaculate Conception after seeing Our Lady in visions. She asked him to promote the rosary in the modern world.

Saint Hedwig

  was a Duchess from Poland who died in 1243. Her feast day is also on Oct. 16. She was from a royal family but she rejected the trappings of wealth and gave to the poor. She washed the feet of lepers, fasted and prayed for others, and helped start monasteries. After her husband’s death she joined a convent led by her daughter. There she grew in holiness, developing and using the “tools in the Spiritual Backpack.”  Her life story isn’t flashy. She was simply prayerful and pious every single day. During the process of canonization, the Pope asked for her intercession for a blind girl. The girl was immediately cured.

The urge to set out on the saintly road is inside of us. Let’s begin!

Saint Hedwig and St. Margaret Mary: Oct 16

Saint Paul of the Cross: Oct 20

Saint Anthony Mary Claret: Oct. 24

October 7th is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

Mary Feast of the Rosary

We live 40 miles away from the nearest big city. So driving on the highway is a way of life. On the days when I go into “the amazing town” (as my daughter used to call it), I find my mind filled with worries and random thoughts.  It’s really amazing what twists and turns the mind can take when left to wander at random!

Do you find that to be true?

I was driving down the road, alone in the car, when thoughts about my high school days appeared in my mind and that was a LONG time ago. Then came concerns about school for the kids; then plans for things coming up in our family. I was anticipating conversations that never happened and replaying old conversations that I wished had gone a different way.

Most of this “mind scramble” is totally worthless—some of it is even sinful. It diminishes hope, creates anxiety and dwells in the past. That’s where the rosary comes in. The rosary is repetitive specifically for that reason. The repetitions lull the “mind scramble” into submission. Then we can focus on trusting in Jesus and turning out lives over to Him. Our Heavenly Mother wants us to do this. The rosary is her gift to us to help us in this process.

Recently, I’ve been mulling over a problem. I was desperate for an answer. I’ve done research. I’ve asked others for help. I have thought about it. But the answers aren’t there. It came to me that the rosary is what’s needed. I must turn it over now to the Heavenly Hosts.

Our Church just celebrated the feast of the Archangels on Sept. 29 and the feast of the Guardian Angels on Oct. 2.  And now we have the wonderful Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. These three in a row are reminders that we are TOTALLY SURROUNDED with help. So why obsess?!

I tell you, this message hit me like a splash of water today!

I was flipping through a book and came across this message written to myself a few years ago: “Adam and Eve were perfectly happy with God in a beautiful Garden–until they were tempted to try and play God. They thought control and power would give them something more, and that led to the Fall. This pattern keeps repeating over and over. The only answer is to Let God be God. Surrender to Him.”

Mother Mary knew this of course. And she keeps trying to tap shoulders to say, “Remember truth. We are here to help you.”

When Brigit was about 7, she tried to put a halter on the goat so she could tie it to a sled and be pulled around the yard. Instead, the goat got scared and the ropes got tangled around Brigit’s legs. The more she and the goat tried to resolve their separate problems, the worse the tangles became.  And then the goat started to run down the field to get away.  Brigit would have been dragged along if help didn’t arrive.

Brigit was yelling, pulling and trying her best t get away but she only made things worse. Fortunately, she had “angels” nearby. Her big brother Peter and I stopped the goat from running.  “Quiet. Wait. It’s going to be OK,” I kept saying as Peter ran for scissors.

I can hear Our Heavenly Mother saying that same thing now, “Quiet. Wait. Trust. I am here. All is well.”

Let’s pray the rosary this month and remember to thank the Heavenly Hosts for surrounding us with beautiful help and guidance!

The Feast of the Archangels

ArchAngelsIn my catechism classroom I tell my students to “leave room for your angels.” It’s a way to keep them from poking and annoying each other by sitting too close. But I also want to remind them that our angels are always with us, and they have an important role.

At the time, I didn’t realize the active involvement of the Archangels in the modern world.  Recently I’ve been reading about the appearances of Mary around the world. Did you know that angels are often there in these events as well?

At Fatima in 1916, the three children saw an “Angel of Peace” who taught them a prayer and announced that Mary was coming. What angel could this have been?  Michael of course!

In the Bible we know that Gabriel came as the messenger to Mary to tell her about the Incarnation. He came to Daniel as the “spirit of consolation, the Power of God.”

Archangel Raphael guided Tobias in the Old Testament and he is “the angel of health, of joy, of happy lovers and of safe travelers.”

But Michael is the strong one. As the defender of heaven’s gate he sent Satan down to hell in order to protect the world. It is believed that the children of Fatima may have seen the angel Michael who is also referred to as the Angel of Peace.

Praying to the Archangels

Gabriel – He offers comfort and guidance during times of difficulty. He offers a light in the darkness and is a source of hope.

Raphael – He brings healing in times of sickness. He helps couples and travelers.

Michael—He helps fight off the temptations of the devil. He is a guide to truth and peace of mind. He guards against heresy.

Pope Leo XIII was known as a Marian Pope and sat in the Chair of Peter from 1878 to 1903. He wrote 11 encyclicals about the rosary and approved two new scapulars to show his devotion to Our Lady.  He also found himself devoted to St. Michael.

It happened one day in 1884. The Pope had collapsed during a meeting after seeing a vision of devils multiplying and invading the world and would spread ruin during the 20th century. The only hope for relief from the horror of that image was that St. Michael was there fighting them. After seeing this vision, Pope Leo wrote the Prayer to St. Michael and asked that it be said at the end of all ordinary Masses throughout the Church.

It’s a powerful prayer and an important message for our times. We need St. Michael’s help to defend us against all the devil’s temptations. And during this election season, when tempers flare and we are pulled this way and that by “issue proponents”, St. Michael can be called on to help with clarity, that we might see and speak the truth with compassion. He is after all, the Angel of Peace both a warrior and an Angel of Peace.

Saint Michael the Archangel,

Defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Make room for the angels in your life…may they protect us and guide us!

Prayer for September 11th – We Remember

Prayer for this Day

Dear Heavenly Father,

We turn to You, Lord, on this day of remembrance.  It was eleven years ago that our country was attacked and plunged into fear and mourning. Yet, You in Your infinite wisdom, brought us together during that time. We were, for awhile, no longer Democrats or Republicans. We were no longer Black, Hispanic, Asian or Caucasian….instead we were united as one people. We stood together as Americans to comfort those who were grieving and to proclaim a love for this proud country.

Today we ask You to guide us back to this sense of unity. We are a sinful people…always straying and turning our backs on Your help and presence. But we are also a people of great generosity and kindness. In Your mercy, forgive our sinfulness and guide us in this journey Home to You.

We pray for our country that we remember and affirm once again…we are “one nation under God.” You are our guide and protector. We look to You alone for help through these difficult times. We pray for a return to the values of Family, Faith and Morality.

In Jesus name we pray.


September 8th – It’s a Birthday – Mary’s Birthday

September 8th is Mary's Birthday

September 8th is Mary's BirthdayIt’s time for a special party! Bring out the candles. Bake a special cake. Say joyful prayers. Because on Sept. 8 we celebrate the immaculate birth of Our Blessed Mother. It’s Mary’s Birthday! This is a day to celebrate the best of motherhood—because Mary is our guide in the motherhood journey! She nurtures all God’s children and supports our growth in holiness.

Celebrating Mary’s Birthday

On September 8th we celebrate the Mother of all mothers who continues to watch over each of us from heaven!

According to the visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, Mary’s parents were devout Jews (Essenes) who had a child 19 years before Mary. But for 19 years they were without additional children and for this time of barrenness Anne and Joachim felt ashamed. They were growing old.

Mary’s birth was a blessing, not only to them, but to the entire world! She was born uniquely free from sin—the Immaculate Conception. Her coming to Anne and Joachim has a story too. Joachim had gone to the Temple to offer a sacrifice in order to petition God for a child but the priests mocked him and he was sent away in humiliation. Meanwhile Anne was at home in Nazareth when an angel came to her to say that a special child was coming. Anne hurried to Jerusalem and met her husband by the Golden Gate. Their union there foreshadowed the opening of the Gates of Heaven. (The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Anne Catherine Emmerich.)

It’s good to celebrate Mary’s special day. We can do this by making a crown of flowers for a statue of Our Lady and by reciting the Litany of Loreto. We can record how Mary blesses our lives and remember to be thankful to her.

I find my own devotion to Our Lady growing deeper everyday as a result of her special blessings in my life. This past spring when my husband was very sick, our family spent two full months in and out of the hospital, caring for him. At the time I had been doing some substitute teaching. I was worried about the much needed income. I was worried about the future. Then an editor offered me a project to write about prayer and the Blessed Mother.

This project couldn’t have come at a better time! Since then I have spent three months doing new research and studying Church documents. And all along the way I have felt the presence of the Blessed Mother guiding me to be calm and patient.

For the first time in my life I can now wake up, in the middle of the night, feeling happy to pray. In the dark stillness of our rural home, there is nothing between me and my heavenly Mother.  I know she’s listening. Our family life is changing.

So, on this September 8th I hope we can all turn to her to ask for her help and to thank her for being our guide in trusting the Will of God, wherever that may take us. Life is an adventure. Mary is our guide. And the gates of Heaven stand open as a result of her “yes” to the Lord!

A Mother’s Love. The Feast Day of St. Monica. August 27th


Prayer of St. Monica

There is a lot to a name!  In Psalm 147:4 it says God named every star in heaven! He gave man the responsibility of naming all the animals (Gen. 2:20) After Jesus called Simon to be one of His disciples, He renamed the fisherman: “Now you are Peter, and on this ‘rock’ I will build my Church.”

Knowing all of this, I wanted to take a special name when I became a Third Oder Carmelite. At that time I was reading about St. Augustine.  He has written very beautiful things—“Our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee, O Lord.” But his life story was what interested me the most.

Augustine’s mother, Monica, was given in marriage at a young age to an older man.  He drank heavily and had no interest in Monica’s religious notions. Monica responded to his criticisms and mean words by going to Church twice a day to pray for him.

Then her intelligent son began to scoff at his mother’s trips to Church. He was too “smart for religion.” Augustine joined a group dedicated to self-indulgence and intellectual sparring. He got a young woman pregnant. Monica cried before the bishop, “What can I do? I must do something. Help us.” The bishop’s name was Ambrose. He told her to persist in her prayers “for surely God would not ignore her loving dedication to her family.”

Monica never gave up on either her husband or her son. On his deathbed, her husband revealed that he dreamed about being as patient and kind as his wife. He called for a priest and was baptized.  Augustine came home for the funeral of his father. Around that time he heard a little girl chanting “Pick up and read, pick up and read.” He had a Bible nearby and opened it to read that he should abandon the ways of the flesh and put on Christ. (Romans 13:13-14) Probably at that very moment his mother was also praying.  Augustine repented of his evil ways and went on to become one of the most famous saints in history.

It’s the mother who comes forth in this story.  Her name has power for me. Monica represents the essence of what it means to be a mother.  When  I find myself struggling to see into the future; planning, plotting, always trying to be one step ahead of the chaos, I think of Monica!  There are a lot of anxious nights in parenthood…my son has just started to drive alone;  he is thinking about college;  my daughter has asthma and a leg pain that doesn’t seem to go away.  What response can we have to our troubles?

St. Monica pursued a special path: regular and passionate prayer, patience and persistence. She trusted that if she brought her prayers before God every day, He would listen.  It wasn’t like saying, “Hey, can’t You hear me? Why aren’t You doing something?” Instead Monica’s prayers said, “My heart pours out these troubles again, my Lord. I must feel my love and offer this sacrifice of myself. Now Lord, I place my cares in Your hands today.”

I relate to Monica because she reminds me of my mother. For many years my mom was praying for me as I strayed from the Church. She never turned away. Her prayers were persistent. She patiently waited and longed for a change. And it finally came.
So when our Carmelite community asked me what name I chose I said, “St. Monica, patron saint of mothers.”

Happy Feast Day to another mother for mothers!

By Judith Costello, OCDS

Feast of the Assumption of Mary, August 15th

Feast of the Assumption of Mary. August 15th.

A Holy Day of Obligation

Imagine being one of those in the early Church. You know Mary, the Mother of Our Lord because she goes from table to table at dinner; quietly ministering to everyone…she radiates such a deep strength that simply seeing her face inspires peace. It is quite humbling to realize that so many who loved Jesus ran away during the crucifixion, but she, who was the closest of all to Him, stayed and prayed. She remained strong through it all by trusting in God in the darkest hour.

Since the Resurrection and the Descent of the Holy Spirit, she has acted us as a mother and comforter to all the newcomers who flock to the young Church every day.

Now, she has died. Such grief surges throughout the community in Jerusalem and beyond. Her body is laid in a tomb…it’s a cave, really, up on the mountain and large stones cover the entrance. The next day, we must go to anoint her and pray.

But wonder of wonders–her body is gone!!! The cave is filled with a bright light. We rush to tell the others…our Blessed Mother has been taken up to Heaven. She is gone. There was no decay allowed. Her body and soul were lifted up by God!

According to the earliest of records, this is roughly the experience of the early Church, though the story was recorded later.

It is an ancient memory of Mary which became known as “The Assumption” and it is so important that it was identified as a Holy Day of Obligation by Pope Pius XII in 1950. Yet, why do we have to be “obligated” to attend Mass on such a day as this?  To me, it seems so beautiful and important that surely we will all “desire” to come and celebrate!

Just as Easter reminds us of the promise of everlasting life; the Assumption reminds us of God’s Eternal Love! Death is not to be feared.  Jesus gave us His Mother while He was on the cross. But that was not the end of her story. She was taken up to Heaven immediately after death to be crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth. How wonderful is that?

This gives me hope and comfort especially now…During this summer, when other people have been enjoying sun, surf and travel, our Church community has been dealing with sudden deaths. Two people died unexpectedly in car accidents. Then our neighbor died after struggling for two years. Meanwhile, my husband was in and out of the hospital…very ill. An elderly neighbor and friend has left us her dog and moved to the “big city” so she would be closer to doctors and family.

It’s as if dark clouds have gathered over our little town out here on the eastern side of New Mexico’s big mountains.  And summer is disappearing way too fast. There is little time left for our family to experience some relief from stress.

In Peter Kreeft’s book about Heaven, he says we worry about “not enough time” for two reasons: 1) For those who are afraid of death–time is a reminder that our life on earth has an end point, so it seems that living has to be hurriedly squeezed into the few years we have. 2) But for those who celebrate the glory of the Resurrection and the Assumption, time is like packing for a big journey! “Soon and very soon,” the song says, “We are going to see the King.”

It’s a wonderful thought to know that our Mother is already there in heaven. The door is open and she’s standing there waiting. She is singing. There is light. Her arms are stretched out to welcome our friends who have died.

This year, let’s make the feast of The Assumption a “Desire Day”—A time to go to Mass joyfully so that we receive our Mother’s special blessing as we remember her entrance into immortality!

By Judith Costello

Back to School Lesson 1: Money Can’t Buy Me Love (or Happiness)

Back to School

Here in New Mexico it is officially Back-to-School time at every store.  New trinkets, “Design your Locker” sets, teacher bribery items and kid clothes that get sexier every year.  Stores will take any turning of the calendar as occasions to ramp up the “gimmey, gimmies, plea-z-z-” in our kids!

What’s a mother to do? Society tells our kids they won’t be happy unless they have the “latest.” I remember when one of those big-eyed, diabolical card games was the fad at the local public school. They were in every kid’s backpack and hiding in most of the kids’ desks. My son was in third grade and came home pleading, “Everyone has them Mom. Everyone!”  He had that look of desperation in his eyes. You know the look. It works on a mother’s heartstrings.

But I just couldn’t let him “buy” into the message that this fad was synonymous with happiness. So I cut some nice cardstock into the size of playing cards. I rounded the corners and brought out pencils and my very best set of beautiful permanent markers. “Make hero cards,” I told him. “Make up your own game!”

He took to that idea like a fish takes to water! For the most part, that was a turning point. He’s been a pretty independent thinker ever since!

But I can’t say it’s always that easy. The temptations are strong and pressures bombard our kids from every direction.  If a Catholic school existed near where we live, I would jump at the opportunity for my kids to attend!  I’ve been a substitute teacher in both Catholic and public schools and I can tell you—there is a difference!  But those schools, where Jesus can be openly discussed as our role model, are too far away for us.

So what’s a Catholic parent to do to be ready for Back-to-School time?  As far as all the tempting stuff at the stores goes, we parents need to stay strong so we send the right message. The first Back-to-School lesson is, “Money can’t buy me love.” I try to communicate this by posting notes on the bathroom mirrors: “My dearest children, The stuff on store shelves is a fad. It’s elaborate packaging. But when you open it up, there’s not much to it. The truth is that ‘stuff’ will not bring you happiness or love. It’s shallow. Let’s look elsewhere.”

We use the code word “packaging”—that means that the store stuff looks good on the outside but it has no real substance. We try to keep all eyes focused on the necessities. As an alternative, it’s so-o-o-o easy to be creative and original instead of spending money on fads. We decorate notebook and add to backpacks!

Prayer is absolutely necessary at this time. I try to imagine the kids being wrapped in Mary’s mantle. And our Catholic sacramentals are wonderful additions to a lunch box, a backpack or a chain for around the neck. We can send them with the kids wherever they go.

Sacramentals aren’t “charms.”  But they remind us that our real treasure is not earthly!  Our real treasure is the Love and Mercy of Jesus; the Motherly protection of the Blessed Mother and the Light-filled guidance of the Holy Spirit!  So I like medals and holy cards a lot!

I tell the kids “Be Creative. Be Original. Be a Trend-setter not a Trend-follower!”

That’s what honors God. And that’s how to be truly ready for school.

By Judith Costello

God Invites You to a Journey of Faith. The Pilgrimage.

Pilgrimage to Medugorje

Pilgrimage to Medugorje

By Judith Costello

When we think of “vacation” we often imagine heading for the beach or the mountains to relax and unwind, while the kids are pleasantly occupied with new outdoor distractions. But sometimes, what we really need is “soul liberation!”  Our souls, perhaps more than our bodies, need the opportunity to SOAR by experiencing holy places.

Why not consider a pilgrimage for you and / or the entire family?  Sound unusual?  Maybe, but who among us couldn’t use a little more faith and a lot more peace?

Think of a Pilgrimage as a vacation with purpose!  Imagine a travel experience that brings you;

:: Closer to God :: Answers to your questions
:: An occasion to release heartache & worries :: An opportunity to learn
:: Time for prayer – For others – For Healing :: Thanks
:: Up close with diverse cultures :: Change
:: Around the world to Holy Places :: Joy

I never thought much about this idea until 2006 when my mom asked me to go with her to Medjugorje, a little town where the Blessed Mother appeared to six children beginning in 1981. This tiny town in Bosnia Herzegovina is nestled in the mountains of an area that has been torn by war and ethnic / religious persecutions in the not-too-distant past.  Yet, we traveled safely and in comfort through a Catholic pilgrimage organization called 206Tours ( Our small group was led by a priest and many amazing things happened. In fact it was a life changing experience!

What characterized that pilgrimage for me, was the powerful sense of “peace” that lasted a long time.  Jesus said, “My peace I leave with you” and He hands out generous portions to people who travel for the purpose of refreshing their souls!

On our pilgrimage, I ended up missing my flight from Zurich to Washington, DC. I was routed through Chicago instead. Since I didn’t have a Chicago to Albuquerque ticket, I was a “problem” for the airlines. I remember walking quickly through the huge airport going from one counter to the other. I had a rosary in my hand and I was praying all the time.  Amazingly, doors opened. Grouchy, dismissive clerks changed their outlook. And through the turmoil of such lengthy travels, I felt at peace!

We visited a refugee camp, climbed a mountain, saw heroism demonstrated by people who helped strangers in need. We went to huge outdoor Masses where flags waved from every country in the world.  We saw streets crowded with teenagers carrying rosaries and candles. People were reverent all the time. Several sick people had come seeking miracles. I’m sure some happened.

Ever since that trip, I keep hearing about people who are taking trips to Lourdes, Fatima, Rome and the Holy Lands.  I would love to take a trip to Poland and walk in the footsteps of Pope John Paul II who has had a big impact on our family.

As I looked through the various new pilgrimage offerings I saw so many trips worth taking.  For example, a 206Tours new pilgrimage in Rome that focuses on the lives of several “Blessed” faith heroes.  And they also offer a “walking tour” following The Way of St. James as he traveled in Spain. The concept of this famous trail is a part of an inspiring new movie called “The Way.”  There are tours to Ireland to walk in the footsteps of St. Patrick and a tour to Mexico to see where Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared.

My soul feels a longing…

To be lifted up by the saints who surely stay close to guard and guide the holy places, is to feel like you’re gliding with an eagle above the concerns and turmoil of the world.  There is nothing more beautiful or more refreshing.

206 Tours Discount Coupon

206 Tours Discount Coupon

Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel – We Receive Armor from Mary!

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel

Our Lady of Mt. CarmelWhen I started attending meetings of the Third Order of Discalced Carmelites, my husband teased,

“Are you going to make low-fat caramels again?”

His joke actually has some merit–there is truly a healthy sweetness associated with The Blessed Mother and her special love for the monks of Mount Carmel!

The beautiful mountain that rises up near the Mediterranean shoreline is named Carmel, meaning “beautiful garden.” It was on this mountain that the ancient prophet, Elijah (860 B.C.)  stood alone against the 450 who promoted an immoral life dedicated to a made-up god. Elijah alone was willing to say, “There is but one God and we must be faithful and humble before him.” Jezebel, the evil queen, sought the life of the prophet. Elijah must have thought, “This is my last chance to defend the faith.”

The prophet stood his ground and the false prophets were the ones who showed their foolishness. No matter how they danced, cried out or prostrated themselves nothing happened at their altar. Then in dramatic fashion, God responded to Elijah’s prayers and burned up the water-soaked altar with fire from heaven.

Mt. Carmel represents the abundance of God’s gifts to the faithful.

But we Carmelites look to the other story about Elijah as we trace our faith roots. After his victory over the false prophets, the evil queen was more determined than ever to have him killed. That made Elijah a bit discouraged. He had called forth a blazing miracle, but instead of turning hearts back to God, he was fleeing for his life. So he moped around and felt sorry for himself. But God continued to guide and lead him. The prophet was sent to yet another mountain in the region, Mt. Horeb. This time, he was told that God Himself would come calling.

And this time, Elijah didn’t need the dramatic power of storms and fires. Instead, he recognized God in a whisper.

God whispers to all of us. The test is: Are we listening?

Anyway, fast forward several hundred years. Monks continued to pray in the caves that dot the side of Mt. Carmel. But they were forced to leave as a result of a Saracen invasion. Settling in England, on July 16, 1251, a monk named Simon Stock prayed to the Blessed Mother that his Order would survive the struggles that swirled all around them. The Holy Mother appeared to Simon with a piece of rough woolen cloth representing the ancient habit of monks…the “yoke of Christ.” She promised protection and eternal rewards for all who would dedicate themselves to her and show this devotion by wearing the scapular.

And so we come to this year—2012.  The upcoming feast is dedicated to the Mother of the Scapular who challenges us to wear a scrap of cloth as a sign of devotion.

Scapular PendantThe scapular tends to cause problems when I wear it. It keeps moving in odd directions around my neck. It never stays in place. I like the challenge of it though. Every time I have to adjust it, I remember the abundant love of God who gave us a heavenly Mother.

The scapular is our armor in turbulent times…not bullet proof metal; but a soft thing shimmering in faith. Mary wants us to be always paying attention to the sweetness of Love.

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s promise is this:

[quote]”Take this Scapular. It shall be a sign of salvation, a protection in danger and a pledge of
peace. Whosoever dies wearing this scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”[/quote]

Summer Reading List for Catholic Children

Summer Reading List for Catholic Children
Summer Reading List for Catholic Children

Summer is a great time to read and expand your mind!

Summer Reading for Catholic Children

By Judith Costello and family

Kids need to flex their literacy muscles over the summer! Reading strengthens the mind and imagination. But the content of this material is important too. So we have developed a special list of Catholic books for children.

From the 12,000 books in our house (my husband, Jurgen, is a bibliophile!) I asked 13-year-old Brigit to pick out the most inspirational and best! She and her 16-year-ld brother, Peter, have read the following books over and over. They recommend them highly to other young people.

Some of these books are old classics. My kids ate up the Hardy Boys books when they received them at the right time…they are mysteries–so much better and more wholesome than the stuff kids see on TV.

Some of these authors–especially C.S. Lewis, Lois Lowry and Lloyd Alexander—are especially good at grabbing kids and taking them along on journeys of courage, perseverance and godly wisdom.

All Ages
The Tale of Three Trees Angela Elwell Hunt Awesome and inspirational. Get the illustrated version. This is a real keeper.
Kindergarten -1st Grade
Happy Birthday Moon Frank Asch The bear wants to give the moon a present. It’s a cute story about sharing! And God rewards a cheerful giver!
2nd Grade
Friendship with Jesus: Pope Benedict XVI Speaks to Children on their First Holy Communion Amy Wellborn This beautiful picture book helps kids connect to the Pope and prepare for their sacraments.
3rd Grade
The Boxcar Children Gertrude Chandler Warner Beginning in 1924,  the first book is especially wonderful as 4 orphans make a home in an old boxcar.
The Weight of a Mass: A Tale of Faith Josephine Nobisso A poor window says she will offer a Mass in exchange for a piece of bread. The baker and others laugh at her until they found out the true value of faith. Based on a true story!
4th-5th Grade
All – Nancy Drew and All Hardy Boys Mildred Benson / Edward Stratemeyer I read every single hardy boy’s I could get my hands on and I am now trying to read all the Nancy Drew’s as well. They are all really fun to read and keep the action moving!)
The Christy books Catherine Marshall This series tells of a Christian teacher who travels to a remote Appalachian village to work with poor families.
The Chronicles of Narnia C.S. Lewis The books are better than the movies.
Island of the Blue Dolphin Scott O’Dell Read anything by this author.
The Day No Pigs Would Die, A Part of the Sky Robert Newton Peck All of RNP’s  books are amazing. I couldn’t put these two down though..not until I was finished and then I wished for a third.–Brigit
The Trumpet of the Swan E.B. White
6th Grade
Esperanza Rising Pam Muñoz Ryan This is a book that never gets old. I read it about 5 times in the past two years. It’s a great read about faith and about being the best you can be. –Brigit
Hatchet Gary Paulsen Write about courage and character. These are authors to follow, especially good for boys.–Peter
The Black Cauldron Lloyd Alexander Write about courage and character. These are authors to follow, especially good for boys.–Peter
Number the Stars Lois Lowry This is another book I can’t read just once. I have read it a good six times. It’s an amazing book of friendship, hope, and courage. It has a lot of history but it’s a great novel too. –Brigit
Jacob Have I Loved Katherine Paterson
The Seven Wonders of Sassafras Springs Betty G. Birney This is a book about finding the miracles that are happening all around us. It led me to write my own book on the Wonders of Brigit!
Freedom Train Evelyn Coleman
7th Grade
The Giver Lois Lowry
Holes Louis Sachar
Where the Red Fern Grows Wilson Rawls
And recommended by Mom for grown-ups
Father Elijah Michael D. O’Brien’s …his book is a powerful apocalyptic novel. Michael is a Catholic artist and novelist.
Rediscover Catholicism Matthew Kelly Great faith renewal book by. It’s nonfiction but easy to read.


St. Peter and St. Paul Were SO Different

Why were Saint Peter & Saint Paul so Different?

Why did God make us all so darn different?! Wouldn’t it be easier if we were more alike? We tend to look at the world as if that were the reality anyway. If you have a problem with lying, you will always wonder if other people are lying. If you love strawberry shortcake you assume everyone loves shortcake. It’s hard to imagine that the thing you love could make someone else gag!

I started thinking about this because we have two very different children in our household and sometimes it’s hard to adjust parenting to accommodate differences. With one child you can say, “Go do this chore”; but with the second child you have to explain and motivate in order to accomplish the same goal. Sigh!

The two saints who are celebrated together on June 29th are like siblings who are very different, so they provide a wonderful example and some guidance. St. Paul and St. Peter were the leaders of the early Church, yet they were so very different–both in body and mind. St. Paul was short; he was not a great speaker and he had some health problems. On the other hand Peter was robust; he is portrayed as having a commanding physique. St. Paul was educated. He was an excellent writer and an intellectual. St. Peter on the other hand was neither well educated, nor a writer. He spoke from the heart and was a recognized leader.

But Peter and Paul had similarities too. They both made big mistakes. Their sins are blazoned across the pages of Sacred Scripture. Paul persecuted the early Church. He held the cloaks for those who were stoning St. Stephen to death and he approved of that action. He participated in efforts to round up Christians and put them in chains.

Before that St. Peter had denied Jesus even though he knew Jesus was the Lord…He denied Jesus not once, but three times. The sins of these two are described in great detail in order to remind us that even big sins can be forgiven. God is merciful. Sin need not be the end. It can be the launching point for a new life. In the teenage lingo that pervades at our house, St. Peter and St. Paul were “just plain stupid” sometimes. It must have been hard for other believers in the early Church to accept these two men who also had big egos to go with their sins. And yet, these two also give us an example of where redemption lies. They were both willing to let Jesus take over their lives. They gave up everything in order to follow Him. They trusted. They had faith. And most of all, they shared JOY. I find that an awesome concept…Here were these two powerful men who were beaten and persecuted. They were thrown in jails that were like dungeons. And yet, they were filled with joy. That’s redemption!

They were lifted up from the worldly tendency to be self absorbed and to feel like a victim. Instead, they offered up their suffering in order to move closer to heaven. Scripture tells us we do not prevail in life through our personal strength of will and body. Instead, when we are humbled, God lifts us up to great heights! So now when I think about the differences in children and the differences in people around me, I am reminded what my husband likes to say: “Learning to appreciate people who are different means learning to live with the fact of stupidity.

I have been stupid. You have too. We are all lowly sinners just trying to find our own way Home. And, with the grace of God we may get there together.” God made an infinite variety among humanity because all these differences reflect the great mystery that is God. He is Incomprehensible unless we open ourselves to Him. Maybe if we could bring every human being into harmony, all working together for holiness, it would be like fitting a puzzle together. We would find out we all have a place of belonging and we are all a part of the same picture. We are a part of the same mirror of the wonder of God. We are One Body, all members in the One Lord!

Although St. Peter didn’t see himself as a writer, here’s a pretty amazing quote from him: “You must make every effort to support your faith with goodness, and goodness with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with endurance, and endurance with godliness, and godliness with mutual affection and mutual affection with love”. 2 Peter 1:5-8 God has implanted in us a soul-felt appreciation for Him as He reveals Himself in subtle ways through the people around us. And that is the special message of this feast of St. Peter and St. Paul!

The Law of the Gift

God the Father

Growing up, I was number three in a family of six children. I remember when my younger brother wanted to give a gift on the day I turned eight or nine. John was probably five at the time. He ran upstairs to his bedroom and came back with his favorite truck which he held out to me. I wasn’t much interested in trucks and he knew that. In his heart he knew he could give it to me because I would give it back to him! So he didn’t have to lose anything. It was a gesture that he thought would please everyone, but it wasn’t backed up with a willingness to really give up something precious. He was a little guy just learning about giving!

That memory came back to me when I read about Cardinal Timothy Dolan’s commencement speech about “The Law of the Gift.” At his alma mater, The Catholic University of America, the Cardinal talked about the definition of a real gift: it involves a sacrifice by one person for the betterment of another.

The ultimate gift giver is God, of course. He gave us everything, including his Son. And Jesus gave us the greatest gift of all—salvation—purchased for us by His suffering and death. That’s the Law of the Gift—it requires sacrifice. This next weekend is a celebration of such powerful gift giving.

On Friday we celebrate the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This day is meant to remind us of the greatest gift…Jesus gave his life, his body, his suffering for us. Beginning in 1673, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque had visions of Jesus. Her superiors mocked her when she shared what she had seen. But she continued to be patient and kind. Her vision of the Sacred Heart was a precursor of Divine Mercy. Jesus said to her, “Look at this Heart which has loved men so much, and yet men do not want to love Me in return. Through you, My Divine Heart wishes to spread its love everywhere on earth.”

Then on Saturday we celebrate the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This celebration clearly corresponds to the Sacred Heart. The hearts of Mary and Jesus are intertwined through love, suffering and sacrifice. These two hearts established the Law of the Gift.

On Sunday, we celebrate Father’s Day. Although this day isn’t a liturgical feast, the Church recognizes and celebrates the love of fathers. The model comes to us from our heavenly Father—who personifies fatherhood as provider, protector and guide. I remember my grandfather who knew the Law of the Gift quite well. He had a young family during the days of the great Depression. It was hard for many men at that time because their ability to provide for their families was threatened. But my grandfather didn’t want anyone to worry. The workers at the railroad where he worked came together and agreed to share their jobs so no one would be laid off. The managers agreed!

Although his income was greatly reduced, my grandfather refused to be a sourpuss. Instead, he sang songs as he walked to the bus stop. He gathered broken toys from around the neighborhood and re-created them so he could give toys to his children and others in need. He kept joy and prayer alive in his house. It’s the Law of the Gift. We are called to sacrifice for others so that they can feel God’s abundant love. That’s what Father’s Day is all about. It is a time to appreciate the ones who have protected, provided and guided us through their examples of love and generosity.

Gift-giving is a kind of sacrifice that isn’t a struggle after all. When the gift is Love, it “keeps on giving” as it spreads from one family member to another and from there it goes out to the rest of the world!

–Judith Costello

Judith Costello is the mother of two kids. She and her family live on a small farm they call “Sagging Acres” in rural New Mexico. Judith writes for national and regional magazines. She is a catechist, artist and a Secular Carmelite

The Mystery of the Trinity

My husband is in the hospital with a serious medical condition. The doctors put him on some heavy duty drugs because of the pain. So he drifts in and out of being lucid. I thought it might help him to think of something besides his illness.

So I asked him, “How do I explain the Holy Trinity?”

“You want to know infinity?” he asked in confusion. But then came the clarity for which Jurgen is well known. He has read more books on theology than most theologians!

In his groggy state, he shared this: “People who focus too much on God the Father as Judge, end up with a god of no compassion, only law. Too much emphasis on God the Son as Love and you end up imagining a ‘feel good’ god who judges no one. Too much emphasis on the Holy Spirit as an inner guide and you end up imagining that all knowledge is yours. You mistake ‘self direction’ for something divine (which is the cardinal sin of pride.) God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God is the fullness of Truth, Wisdom and Love. God is Three. Don’t forget!

I was thinking about Jurgen’s words as I drove home late from the hospital to be with the kids at home. By then I was groggy too. But I kept coming back to the image of a judge in heaven. Back in the time of the Old Testament, people believed that sickness was punishment for sins. Remember Job? The friends who came to “comfort” him, began instead to accuse: “What did you do to deserve this?” But, clearly, good people like Jurgen end up suffering. Perhaps the suffering comes so that those around will “do the right thing” by being of service.

Doing the “wrong” thing, by abdicating responsibility, would be a time of sin and potential judgment. Judgment and law are complex things so God gave us the church and sacraments to help us understand. I also know that the image of “God as love” has become very twisted by the modern world. Love is not pleasant self gratification. Especially not when you’re dealing with grave illness! The example of Jesus is that love definitely involves sacrifice! Pentecost Sunday was the day Jurgen went into the hospital so I’ve been thinking about our family’s need for Holy Spirit. I can understand the urgency in what Jurgen was saying about the Spirit…

There was a time in my younger years when I believed I didn’t need the Church. I though the Spirit would guide me if I listened in prayer. Who needs a Church? How wrong I was to delude myself! We are so good at rationalizing and justifying sin. Then we tell ourselves we are inspired…we are following some kind of divine guidance. That’s pretty scary.

I love that Jurgen, in his pain and confusion, could still call me to anchor our family in the fullness of God, the Trinity—to remember Law, Guidance and Love. The Trinity may seem hard to comprehend. But when we contemplate the vast mystery of the Divine, then the Trinity is a reflection of that vastness! I guess “infinity” really does go with Trinity!

–Judith Costello. Judith is the mother of two kids. She and her family live on a small farm they call “Sagging Acres” in rural New Mexico. Judith writes for national and regional magazines. She is a catechist, artist and a Secular Carmelite (OCDS).

Confirmation – Absorbed in His Presence


ConfirmationThis is the Alleluia Season! Fifty days after Easter we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. This is also considered the unofficial birthday of our Church. It is at this time that many parishes also celebrate Confirmation, as young people receive the Sacrament that brings them the special help of the Spirit. But it seems as so many times we miss the beauty and power of this holy season. So often we seem to just go through the motions of a spiritual life—showing up for Mass out of a sense of obligation rather than love. And we miss a lot of the rich offerings of the Spirit as a result.

It’s something like this: A big celebrity comes to town, but you haven’t heard the news. This celebrity is walking towards you, but you think he’s just some crazy because he has his hands held out. You don’t recognize the face, and you just walk on past in a hurry. You might even roughly push the celebrity aside. How rude it is to ignore this person. And how embarrassing it will be later when everyone hears what happened! What a missed opportunity it is!

We receive special graces when we say “hello” to the most amazing “celebrity” ever—the Holy Spirit. When we are truly paying attention, when we are truly prayerful, the Holy Spirit fills us with awareness and we are absorbed in awe at the closeness of God!

“Prayer,” said St. John Vianney, “is the inner bath of love into which the soul plunges itself.” We have the opportunity to be renewed and revitalized. How wonderful is that? But it takes practice to be aware enough to feel the great power of the Spirit’s presence. So here are a few thoughts on experiencing Power Prayer!

First, we close our eyes to block out the world. It is both a symbolic and practical way to move inward. In order for grace to work inside our souls, we withdraw from exterior things to become more awake to the interior.

Then, we can take a break from asking God to give us things. Instead, we seek silence and still the chattering mind. One way to do this is to come back again and again to the Holy Name—Jesus. See the letters in your mind. If you can, try to picture the face of Jesus. When we are at Mass, other people distract us. But it is still possible to close our eyes and pray interiorly, especially after receiving Communion.

The Mass is a communal prayer, giving us the opportunity to receive Jesus into our souls. The story goes that St. John Vianney sent altar servers to follow people who left the Church right after receiving the Eucharist. It was his way of saying, “Don’t forget. Don’t miss this opportunity to talk to listen to and visit with the King of Kings. Don’t be disrespectful.” And don’t miss out on the blessings of the Spirit who wants to guide us Home.

The REAL Treasure

Real Treasure

When you were a kid, didn’t you always love reading stories about the search for buried treasure? These very words conjure up images of a great adventure, facing dangers, following an ancient map, persevering against all odds…and then finally winning the great reward—a chest filled with wonders and beauty!

When I started this past year of teaching students in preparation for their First Communion, TREASURE HUNTING was what came to mind. In actuality, that is what happens as our children spend time in preparation for First Communion. They are on a grand journey to discover and understand where the greatest treasure can truly be found. And the process of learning and growing in understanding is no less thrilling than the search for the chest of wonders. Now, during this month of May, my students are ready to experience the Eucharist…they have prepared, they have journeyed and now they are about to discover the greatest jewel/gift/treasure they will ever know! The Eucharist is the priceless gift of Jesus Himself, coming into the very temple of our bodies! Yet there has been an element of hiding in this. Jesus disguises Himself as bread and wine.

Other people, who aren’t believers, can’t see it. They don’t understand. They haven’t followed “the map” of faith. So they will not be at the Feast. They won’t receive this hidden treasure.

Only for those who have prepared themselves, for those who have sought the greatest of treasure—for them, our Lord is waiting. He brings this treasure of Himself into our very souls! To instill this image, I have my students make boxes. And this is a good activity to do now for any who are preparing for First Communion!

Here’s what I suggest:

1) Kids can either make a box or use one that is ready-made. The box represents our souls…the temple, or tabernacle, that will live even if our bodies die.

2) On the outside, kids can use magazine pictures and school mementos or photos to show how the world sees them. “This is who I am on the outside.”

3) Ah, but on the inside!! That is different. On the inside, we make room for Jesus. The inside can be painted white or gold to symbolize purity and to make a special place for the King of Kings.

4) Symbols of saints and God can be added to the interior “walls.” A velvet cushion might be added.

5) This special box can be used to store Holy Cards and First Communion gifts and photos! It symbolizes the great treasure that comes when we bring Jesus into our lives in a special way!

The treasure image lingers. I hope my students will always remember where to find the Real Treasure.

We love you Jesus! Our King, Our Savior, Our hope. Our treasure!

–Judith Costello

Judith Costello is the mother of two kids. She and her family live on a small farm they call “Sagging Acres” in rural New Mexico. Judith writes for national and regional magazines. She is a catechist, artist and a Secular Carmelite

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